The mouth of the people
Due to my career, so my friends and partners also have many, with all backgrounds, some are rich and well off, and there are also poor and difficult people. Then some people become doctors, engineers, businessmen, others become pastors, monks, and nuns. Then people working as officials, civil servants, and most of all, workers, farmers.. In general, all sectors. And many times when chatting, chatting, many opinions are given about society in general. Many conclusions are given such as “Poor people are despised, rich people are jealous”, “Stupid people are criticized, but good people are also said by others”, “I work hard, try hard. If you sweat to get a house or a car, there are still rumors that you’ve won a trick or cheated, someone who is more decent considers you lucky”, “Sometimes doing good deeds, but not being thanked, but also being said and said”… There are even cases where we don’t have, don’t say, don’t do, but are naturally labeled or rumored maliciously.

Or there is a friend who loves a very difficult land, and immediately convinces the board of directors of the company he is working to invest in a project so that the countryside has a bright spot, but there are almost countless difficulties, Because most people think that the business is rich, so it is constantly demanding, so that the project can not be implemented, he himself is also known for this and that. And that land never changes at all.
I myself have more or less experienced those feelings. However, people often say the phrase “9 people, 10 ideas” means that there are only 9 people, but there are 10 ideas, but actually I think that just 2 people, it’s too much of an opinion. Not to mention this society has millions of people, how many ideas are unimaginable. Then how can you please everyone, society is inherently composed of many different types of people. So it’s hard to please the world, so the life experience is to live leisurely, to live freely, to be in harmony with everyone, to respect everyone. And whoever doesn’t respect me, is bad to me, it’s better to stay away, but even if I can’t avoid it, I won’t bother with headaches or eye pain. And necessarily in life, in relationships, we also need to set certain principles, especially business relationships, the clearer and more relevant the principles are. The mouth of the world, many twists and turns. Only people with a bright mind will always be gentle, even if they have to go through many difficulties.
Farmers of VTOC




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